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Levy recovery

At Bannermans Lawyers we understand that recovering overdue and unpaid levies from lot owners can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. With this in mind we have created a schedule of steps and online portal to ensure an effective and cost-efficient approach. We have broken our recovery workflow into four stages and work closely with the manager to ensure clear communication and constant updates on the matter. We endeavor to recover unpaid costs in a cost effective and timely manner.

  • STEP 1: Statutory notice (issue letters of reminder and issue 21-day statutory notice of recovery action)
  • STEP 2: Filing and serving statement of claim (lodge, file and serve statement of claim)
  • STEP 3: After filing and serving statement of claim (default judgment and defended proceedings)
  • STEP 4: After judgment obtained (discuss suitable options such as garnishees or writs and bankruptcy proceedings)

Whether the matter is contested or uncontested, we will take this frustrating process off your hands to get the results you want!

Our Services


Bannermans Lawyers provide a dedicated recoveries manager and an easy-to-use online portal.

Levy Recovery

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