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How to save Legal Costs

Posted 08 February 2016

Category: Strata

Like most lawyers we charge our clients for the time spent on their matters.

Clients can greatly assist us in reducing the time spent on their matters and the fees accordingly by following some of these steps:

  1. If you have specific concerns you would like addressed please let us know in advance of the meeting by succinctly raising those questions or concerns.
  2. If the matter has a history, prepare a chronology cross referencing the relevant materials e.g.

Chronology of relevant facts

  • On 1 December 2012 the strata plan was registered (see attachment A for a copy of the strata plan).
  • On 1 December 2013 following a severe storm the water entered the unit and damaged the ceiling, walls and carpets (see attachment B for a copy of photographs  taken on 2 December 2013 of the damaged ceiling, walls and carpets).
  • On 3 December 2013 I sent an email to the managing agent identifying the water leak and seeking that it be fixed….

Where there are multiple attachments:

  • We can receive up to 8MB per email, however, the pipes along the way often result in attachments being more than 8MB being blocked.  Feel free to forward materials via secure sites, such as One Drive. While we often receive documents via Dropbox, we do not use it to send documents as it is not secure enough for our purposes.
  • It will often save time and money if you arrange for an overnight courier or express post to deliver the package of documentation to our office.

If forwarding PDF’s please name the PDF with the description and date e.g : Email from myself to the managing agent dated 3 December 2013 or Strata plan registration number //insert number//

Feel free to highlight in copies of the documentation provided the relevant part(s) to draw specific attention.

***The information contained in this article is general information only and not legal advice. The currency, accuracy and completeness of this article (and its contents) should be checked by obtaining independent legal advice before you take any action or otherwise rely upon its contents in any way.

Bannermans Lawyers

Published 08 February 2016

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